About the JKA Training
“I am very grateful to have been a student in Jeremy Krauss training program for children with special needs. Jeremy provided a truly great learning experience and format to study child development, movement, and the ways to use functional integration with the Jeremy Krauss Approach. I liked the pace and the intensity, plus the clarity of Jeremy’s teaching. Jeremy’s approach and hands on learning has enabled me to further my work with infants and children with special needs. I can highly recommend this course of study to Practitioners and Parents of children with special needs.”
“For me it was great to observe, describe, analyze, try out and feel the kinesthetic sensation of each singular element of a movement in order to get a clearer image of the movement itself. To see how many different elements are necessary for a child to develop certain abilities like rolling from side to stomach is fascinating and gives me a new perspective also for working with adults. The more clarity I have about a movement the more possibilities I can offer to the client, which for sure will enrich my work a lot.”
“The JKA Training bridges the gap between the Feldenkrais Teacher Training and the reality of working with children. The breadth and depth of the course is incomparable with other trainings I’ve taken, and would recommend it to anyone planning to work with children. Have also found it invaluable with my work with adults. It has changed the way I approach the work, and continues to develop my understanding with many new layers still being discovered. Jeremy’s teaching and work with children is always inspirational.”
“As every time has its own music, so was Jeremy’s training for me an experience with Feldenkrais of this modern time. He has the courage to speak his own voice and do what the work asks for, to explore and take it further. He opened my eyes to the dynamics of the work and created an inside by the way he taught us through the developmental stages that binds everything together, either working with kids or grown-ups. He is one of a kind.”
“Jeremy Krauss has developed an essential, concrete and inspiring guide for practitioners that want to understand, gain more knowledge and awareness about how to work with children with special needs.”
“The training was exciting, alive and an emotional provocation. Jeremy Krauss attachment to the child with special needs is very sensitive, aware and diverse. He teaches students to be good observers, to feel differentiations in posture, in movement and in behavior patterns of children and creates a good atmosphere of learning.”
“JKA training made me understand things about child development that were not clear for me before. We learned to observe, work, connect and interact with the child and that helped me immensely with my work with children.”
“JKA was literally a life changing experience for me. I´m a special needs mother with a career in nuclear research reactors, not knowing how to best manage my daughter’s needs. Now I am a JKA therapist, helping not only my child but many other children. It is amazing to be able to organize your time in order to fulfill family needs, but also to have the sense of self-accomplishment by having a successful new career. Never thought in would be possible, after 15 years of hard work in research, to be able to quit my job and become a professional JKA therapist, but this is what an extraordinary teacher can achieve with his students. Thank you, Jeremy!!”
“The Jeremy Krauss Approach Childrens Training was for me the strongest experience in my 20 years of Feldenkrais learning- to know and explore the developmental movements gives a strong and powerful change in my work with children and adults-for FI and ATM- also very useful for my teaching in school with young people- I recommend it for every Feldenkrais teacher for developing new successful skills.”
“JKA training opened for me functional thinking in the perspective of child development. Jeremy Krauss´s teaching leads to functional clarity in thinking and at the same time allows enough space for one’s own discovery, self-discovery and creativity. I learned not only many practical tools from FI demonstrations/practicing and ATM´s that Jeremy created which clarifies developmental aspects, but also to reflect on the work. The many lessons with children we had the chance to observe in the training are an invaluable source of experience and inspiration. I am using the skills and thinking I learned in JKA training in my practice working with both children and adults.”
“I have been learning from Jeremy Krauss from the first day of my training in 2001, following his teaching through advanced trainings and masterclasses up to the very special training JKA for working with special needs children. Jeremy’s clarity in teaching together with his true and demanding willingness to make his students grow and develop confident skills and knowledge has enabled me to establish my Feldenkrais praxis. With the JKA I discovered ways of working with a group of people that I did not feel confident to work with before – although it was a deep wish – with Special Needs Children. I have been working continuously with SNC in Berlin and Moscow since, and my thankfulness for this gift is more then I can tell.”
“Next week, a mother is traveling almost 300km with her (special needs) child to see me for ten sessions. She asked specifically whether I was a student of yours.”
“Ich bin in der derzeitigen Ausbildung und kann sie wirklich empfehlen. Die Ausbildung bezieht sich auf kindliche Entwicklung, sie hat mir aber auch in anderen Bereichen meiner Feldenkrais-Arbeit viel gebracht, insbesondere, was komplexe Bewegungen im Raum, Beobachtung und die Evaluierung meiner Arbeit angeht. (Grundzüge des Krabbelns / nach vorne greifen benutze ich beispielsweise bei der Arbeit mit Sportlern (boxen, Aufschlag beim Tennis etc.). Fazit: hat mich allgemein in Feldenkrais weitergebracht, besonders natürlich im Hinblick auf Kinder mit Entwicklungsstörungen. (Spastik, Autismus, unbekannte Diagnose.)”
Nach jedem Segment kam ich mir reich beschenkt vor. Voller Freude in der Methode, mit all den neuen Blickwinkeln, Anregungen und dem neuen Wissen, zu arbeiten, zu probieren und zu forschen, konnte ich spüren, wie es meinen Feldenkrais Unterricht positiv beeinflusste. Ich sehe mehr Zusammenhänge beim Beobachten und gehe freier mit meinen “Werkzeugen” um, weil ein tieferes Verständnis über Entwicklung von Bewegung heranwächst. Jeremy Krauss ging sehr sorgfältig mit unserer Zeit um, beantwortete alle Fragen mit großer Klarheit und war phantastisch gut vorbereitet. Ich habe die Struktur seines Trainings als sehr hilfreich empfunden und würde gerne noch mehr seiner Angebote wahrnehmen.”
“Es ist immer faszinierend, Kinder zu beobachten, wie sie neue Fähigkeiten entdecken und erlernen. Ihr uneingeschränktes “Ja” zu allem Neuen, ihre grundlegende Offenheit und Neugier machen Entwicklung und Lernen möglich und zeigt sich oft in großer Freude über jeden neuen Lernschritt. Besonders bewegend und berührend ist es, wenn fortschreitende Entwicklung plötzlich da möglich wird, wo sie aufgrund funktionaler und struktureller Störungen besonders schwierig scheint. Wenn man Jeremy Krauss beobachtet, wie er mit Kindern arbeitet, wird sein reiches Wissen über Entwicklung und Bewegung sichtbar. Mit Klarheit und Sicherheit gibt er die notwendigen Bewegungsimpulse für den nächsten Entwicklungsschritt. Durch Offenheit, Einfühlungsvermögen und Gespür für Dynamik entsteht direkte Kommunikation mit dem Kind, die es reifen und wachsen lässt. Manchmal schneller, als ich es je für möglich gehalten habe. Es ist eine große Bereicherung, dass Jeremy nun sein Wissen und seine Erfahrungen im Rahmen der JKA Ausbildung weitergibt, und ich möchte sie deshalb weiterempfehlen. Ich habe in diesem Ausbildungsjahr sehr viel Grundlegendes über Entwicklung und Lernen erfahren. Das intensive Beobachten, Ausführen und Nachempfinden von Bewegung in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstufen hat meine Wahrnehmung sehr verfeinert und lässt mich heute viel freier über Bewegung nachdenken. Gerade in der Arbeit mit Kindern wird sehr deutlich, dass Bewegung der Schlüssel für Entwicklung und Veränderung ist. Gleichzeitig ist kindliche Bewegungsfreiheit eine große Inspiration für jeden, der an Bewegung und Freiheit interessiert ist.”
” The JKA Children’s training helped me to be able to recognize, observe and understand the complexity of movements while being with a child. The Training filled for me the gap between the children developmental models, martial arts and the Feldenkrais work. I also appreciated the topics around the JKA like e.g. The attachment theory of John Bowlby .”