Parents about the JKA
“Although my daughter is a child usually unfriendly with adults, I was amazed to see how well she interacted with Jeremy. He managed to create a very comfortable relationship with her from the first moments, and that allowed him to be able to experiment with her a lot of new movements. I observed quickly small changes in the way she sits, moves, and does different things, and also an increase of the flexibility and balance. For us all it was a very beautiful and successful week.”
“Having a special needs child is quite a journey. One day you are a pure optimist and the other day everything goes upside down. In time, you learn how to be patient, and motivate yourself to stay positive. But overall its a process you learn a lot and meet a lot of amazing people. Jeremy is one of those people we met along the way. We had a chance to have 2 sessions from him Istanbul. It was great to see how our son engaged in the training and communicate with a person he has never seen before. Our son was so calm during the sessions, and it felt like he was somehow enjoying it. Even after only 2 sessions there was a very good progress in his moves. What I liked the most about his approach was the communication. Jeremy knows how to communicate with children, and he keeps them feel safe and this, I believe, stimulates the learning experience. After the 2 sessions we had, we decided to get a more intense set of sessions, so we will soon meet Jeremy in Munich. Looking forward to it. I hope all children with special needs will get well very soon.”
“We thought everything was very very interesting, and that JKA was totally different compared with Feldenkrais sessions. About Stefan, the most amaizing thing was that Mr. Krauss demonstrated to us how much potential he really has. The entire week was extremely interesting for us.”
“Our experience regarding the two sessions was a wonderful one. The most important thing is that I have discovered a kind of therapy that stimulates the child to do the movements by himself, by playing, not by being obliged. Everything goes as normal and natural as it can be.”
“I was a little skeptical about this method in the beginning, because I did not know many details about it. I was very pleasantly surprised to see that my boy reacted so well at the sessions with Jeremy Krauss, he was active, he laughed, he worked… in conclusion it was a mixture of work and pleasure. I would like to access again this therapy in the future. I think everybody noticed that his technique is quite unique. The workshop was also very interesting, giving us new and useful informations, also very motivational, things that for us parents have an enormous meaning.”
“I knew how great JKA therapy is, since I started to take the training course with Mr. Krauss, last year. Still, this week was different for me, because I had the chance to look at Mr. Krauss not only as a teacher, but as the therapist working with my daughter. His emotional connection with her was amazing, taking into consideration that she is extremely reticent to any new therapy or therapist. Mr. Krauss showed me how I can discover and use her existing abilities to develop new ones, in a way perfectly safe and pleasant for her. I am grateful that I discovered JKA and that my daughter could benefit so much from this sessions with Mr. Krauss.”
“I looked forward to Mr. Krauss in Romania with great hope. It was a very pleasant and useful week. What I was most impressed about was the fact that he managed to communicate so well with Alex. Alex felt confortable during each session, he was happy and every time waiting for the next session. We have learned together a lot of new things and we cannot wait to practice them.”
“JKA therapy was completely new to us. I found it very interesting. Antonia felt, after each session, that she is taller, more relaxed, that her breathing is improved. I liked the way that Mr. Krauss managed to move her legs and to slowly bring them in positions usually not accessible to Antonia.”
“Therapy with Mr. Krauss was more relaxing for Raisa that I have aspected, she connected with him much better that I thought, and I even saw small results after only two sessions, meaning that she stood up much better and in walking I noticed the stepped much more secure.”
“The workshop was a beautiful and useful experience; a way to learn to look carefully at a special needs child and to try to combine his wish to move with a guidance to what we wants to obtain.”
English version will follow soon: “Bizim için oldukça pozitif bir deneyimdi. Oğlumla kısa sürede pozitif enerjisi sayesinde iletişim kurdu. Uyguladığı çeşitli egzersizlerle genel durumunu anlayıp ona uygun yapılabilecek egzersizleri uyguladı ve bizi yönlendirdi.”
“As a mother of a special-needs child, learning, participating and applying the JKA approach was a very rewarding experience. My daughter benefited remarkingly from Jeremy’s delicate way of working with her, and I learned invaluably from him. My daughter started new movements and, moreover, opened up to the world in ways that she was never able to do before. Integrating the JKA approach into our daily life made life much better for her, me and the whole family. Using the techniques that I learned and working together with JKA-qualified Feldenkrais practioners, I’m now able to continue assisting my daughter on her way to more awareness, communication
abilities and quality of life.”
“Unser Sohn hat eine geistige Behinderung aus dem Autismusspektrum. Er hat große Schwierigkeiten mit der Kommunikation und spricht nicht. Im letzten Jahr hatten wir die Gelegenheit zweimal eine Woche intensiv tägliche Stunden bei Jeremy zu bekommen. Danach war es sehr auffällig, wieviel mehr Finn an unserer Welt teilnimmt. Das wurde auch von den Betreuungspersonen bestätigt. Er hat auch entdeckt, daß er die Welt beeinflußen kann. Ich denke, daß er durch die tiefe Körperarbeit mit Jeremy mehr Gefühl für sein Ich bekommen hat und dadurch ein „Du“ (also etwas außerhalb von ihm) in seine Wahrnehmung gelangen konnte. Das ist ja die Voraussetzung für Kommunikation. Wir werden jetzt nochmal einen Versuch starten mit einem Kommunikationsprogramm für autistische Menschen, was bisher bei ihm nicht angekommen ist. Nächstes Jahr wird er hoffentlich weiterhin mit Jeremy arbeiten können, um diesen Prozess zu unterstützen. Finn ist jetzt 13 Jahre alt. Ich möchte nicht darüber nachdenken, wie er sich entwickelt hätte, wenn er früher die Möglichkeit gehabt hätte mit Jeremy auf diese Weise zu arbeiten. Aber es ist auch jetzt ist noch viel möglich.”
“I met Jeremy as my daughter who has Joubert syndrome. When I heard that he was coming to Istanbul, I was very happy. Unfortunately, we were able to do just 2 sessions with Jeremy. He is a smart, cheerful, skilled professional who seems to enjoy what he is doing. He has strong communication skills with babies. My daughter is 11 months old and she is normally very cautious with the unknown people. In spite of this, Jeremy established a very good communication with my daughter and she never cried during the sessions. Even though my daughter has had just 2 sessions with Jeremy, she has demonstrated significant developments. Now, My Daughter Deniz can turn herself around very well. Thank you very much, Jeremy. What I like most about Jeremy is that he never forgets the fact that he does his therapy with a baby/ child. He is not forceful and he does his sessions through motivating the child.Thank you, Jeremy, I am looking forward to meeting you again.”
English version will follow soon: “Özel gereksinimi olan çocuklarımız için en faydalı , onları hayata hazırlayacak olan en iyi tedaviyi bulmak biz ebeveynler için çok önemli.Çocuklarımız hepimizin en kıymetli varlıkları…Bu uzun yolda , beraber ilerlediğimiz , bizlere yol gösteren uzman fizyoterapistlerimiz , bizi bir diğer destekleyici tedavi olan Feldenkrais metodu ile de tanıştırdılar ve Jeremy Krauss ile yollarımız kesişti.Kendisinin tecrübesi gerek çocuğuma olan hassas yaklaşımıyla gerekse çocuğumun özel gereksinimlerini anlayıp, ona uygun tedavi için izlediği yolla hemen anlaşılıyordu.Feldenkrais metodunu almaya devam edeceğiz çünkü fizyoterapiyi destekleyen , çocuğumun hareket performansını arttıracağına inandığım bir metod.”
English version will follow soon: “Jeremy ile yaptığımız seans sonucunda Global gelişim geriliği olan kızım Zeynep’in yapabildiklerini görmek bizi oldukça umutlandırdı. Jeremy’nin tecrübe ve bilgisi bize yol gösterdi. Çaresiz olmadığımızı biliyoruz artık. Kızım da bunu hissetti ve seanstan sonraki zamanı çok mutlu geçirdi. Özgüveni gelişti. Uyguladığı tekniği devam ettiren ekibi sayesinde Zeynep’in gelişim hızı olağanüstü. Jeremy, İşini ciddiyetle yapan, çocukları iyi tanıyan sıcak, samimi ve dostça davranan, insana güven veren harika bir insan. Kendisiyle çalışma fırsatı bulabildiğimiz için çok şanslıyız.”